A pro Betancourt rally in Venezuela. Crowds gathered with signage against Fidel Castro and in support of Romulo Betancourt. Betancourt addresses the crowds from a podium on a stage, outdoors. A man sitting looking at a radio tower. Images of radio control equipment and sign wave signatures on a scope. Scenes of protest and rioting in a Latin American or South American city. Police combating demonstrators. Vehicles overturned. Citizens running through the streets. Crowds being sprayed by fire hoses from moving fire trucks. Close up views of a newspaper "La Prensa" indicating Fidel Castro's support of the Communist party in Peru. Headline, "Fidel Castro Financia al partido comunista Peruano." An inside headline from the same paper reads, "La Embajada de Cuba Distribuye Propaganda Subversica en el Peru" indicating that an Ambassador from Cuba distributed anti-government, subversive propaganda en Peru. What follows are a series of images drawing parallels between Castro and other fascist historical leaders. Castro speaking forcefully, then a cut to historical excerpts from speeches by Hitler and Goebels in Germany during World War II. A scene with Hitler speaking and gesticulating wildly and forcefully, followed by a scene with Castro doing the same. A wooden sign with skull and crossbones and the words "HALT! STOJ!" on it. Prisoners in a German Nazi concentration camp, thin, weary, and huddled near a barb wire perimeter fence circa early 1945. Nikita Khrushchev on a review stand waving his hat to Soviet Army forces marching below him carrying guns with bayonets fixed. Chinese citizen-military forces (possibly early Red Guard) at a rally, with young women and young men raising rifles in the air . Soviet Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev shaking hands with Chinese leader Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Communist Party of China. A group of Chinese workers digging ditches, including men and women Chinese workers. Still image of Khrushchev and Castro embracing. An anti-communist rally in Cuba.
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