'Highlights of the War' depicts work by combat cameramen that has been honored with citations for outstanding photography. 'The Coast Guard at War' depicts the work of combat cameramen on the U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard Arctic Patrol. CG personnel aboard a cutter. Deck gun and the U.S. flag. A sailor communicates over the radio. Sailors on deck, the bow and deck. Combat cameramen record the CG activities including a religious ceremony. Sicily Invasion, 1943: Combat cameramen capture the scene as a German bomb hits an ammunition ship off the coast. Explosion on the ship, a mushroom cloud rises up. Sailors watch with binoculars. Normandy, 1944: Allied troops climb down rope ladders into Landing Craft Personnel (LCP). which deliver the men and cargo to the Normandy beaches. Soldiers wade through the water towards the shore under enemy fire.
This historic stock footage available in HD video. View pricing below video player.
Type | Size | Price (USD) Comprehensive All Media License |
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 2017 MB | $195.00 | $79.00 |
HD Screener (1920x1080, full-res with timecode) | 2017 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |
Proxy (320x240, low-resolution, watermarked) | 32 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |