Space research from the ground with a Scatter Radar. National Bureau of Standards laboratories in Boulder, Colorado. The Central Radio Propogation Laboratory. Cars parked outside. Hills in the background. Dr. Kenneth Bowles and a colleague work on a formula. Animation: Incoherent scatter of radio waves by electrons in the ionosphere. Transmission of powerful pulsed radio signal in a narrow beam. The beam penetrates the ionosphere and excites the free electrons. The scatter a weak signal which is detected by a sensitive antenna, and the signal comes back to Earth. Remaining portions of a sensitive antenna at the pioneering field site in Havana, Illinois. Dr. Ken Bowles and other scientists decide on a site. Animation: The magnetic equator and lines of the magnetic field. Pulsed radar signals and lines of force on the monitor. Animation: Chemical composition of the Earth's atmospheric gases. The scientists decide on Lima in Peru, due to its proximity to the magnetic equator and U.S. Lima, Peru: Buildings, guards, churches, plazas and boulevards in Lima including the Government Palace in Lima with guards in front, the Catedral de Lima (Catheral of Lima) and the Plaza Mayor de Lima . Construction work in Lima. Cars on a market street. People on the sidewalk. Shipping and port facilities in Callao, Peru. Workers unload goods. People board a Braniff International aircraft. Housing facility in the Lima suburb of Miraflores.
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