Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in various rallies and parades in Germany. Hitler with Ernst Rohm, Chief of Sturmabteilung (SA) Stormtroopers, on small reviewing stand, at outdoor event in a town. Hitler running to meet German Army General at an outdoor event. He gives Nazi salute. General salutes with baton, and another officer salutes with traditional military hand salute to the brow. Hitler and the General shake hands. Hitler on a podium, with Rudolf Hess (or Heß) behind him. Martin Bormann, sitting in an audience. Hitler on podium, giving animated speech. Goebbels and Goering sitting in audience. Huge crowd giving enthusiastic cheers and salutes to Hitler at outdoor event, where Hermann Goering stands on balcony beside Hitler. Motorcade in Munich, with enthusiastic spectators lining the sidewalks. Hitler walking down a street accompanied by Hermann Goering and a phalanx of Stormtroopers, as spectators cheer from the sidewalks.
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