World War II Liberty Ships that carry war materiel like guns,tanks and planes, in the Marine Shipyard in Sausalito, California, across bay from Richmond California shipyards. View of Vice Admiral Emory Scott Land (retired), speaking about the need for ships, and more ships, for the war effort. Among Liberty ships shown are Billy Mitchell, George Chamberlain, Waslater, Cermak and Charles Summer. Ships with bow numbers 434, 432, and others lined up under construction. View of Senate bill 3500, Merchant Marine Act of 1936 authorizing merchant ship building to support commerce and National Defense. Marine architects and engineers work with blueprints and models to optimize design for fleet of merchantmen that would eventually be called "Liberty Ships." National Posters seen. One shows burly shipyard worker with sledge hammer and reads: "Swing it Brother." Another shows convoy of ships at sea and reads: "You Build ''em. We'll sail 'em." Construction begins. Timbers, plates, anchors , engines, steel blades, and other of the hundred thousand items needed build a ship. Crowds of Shipyard workers leaving after a work shift. A sign on building reads,'It can and will be done', and another, under which workers walk advertises war bonds . Shaping metal with gas torches. Fabricating ribs of steel. Spray painting. A woman welder named Mary Smith, welding with torch. Cutting steel using patterns and torches. Fabricating bulkheads. Riveting. Derricks lift heavy assemblies.
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