Heublein rare wine auction in the United States. A man opens a wine bottle. Another person swirls and tastes a white wine. 1970s and 1980s cars on a road in Los Angeles, driving into Beverly Hills area, and passing a road sign that says "Beverly Hills". A sign by the side of the road reads 'Beverly Hills'.Courtyard of luxury hotel. Rolls Royce automobile parked. Sign identifies the "Beverly Wilshire." Large sign inside the hall reads: "The Heublein Premier National Auction of Rare Wines (Fifteenth Anniversary)." Tables laden with wine bottles and glasses. Crowd mills about and tastes the various wines. A man sips a glass of wine and speaks about the relationship between markets for California and European wines. A man dressed in 18th century costume holds up a bottles of wine while auctioneer elicits bids. Participants bid by holding up their identification numbers.
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