Japanese Imperial Navy exercises and operations in World War 2. View, from Japanese battleship, of a Destroyer underway ahead. Momentary glimpse of Landing party of Japanese Marines in battle gear massed in section of a ship. One holds the Japanese rising sun Marine ensign. A Kako class heavy cruiser underway. Battleship elevates guns in her turrets. Shipboard torpedo tubes are shown. Momentary view of another battleship. A Tone class light cruiser to starboard, and a battleship astern. Light signals flash from the ship. The formation of warships circles to port. The photo ship drops depth charges, and two battleships astern fire their heavy guns. A different film shows two Japanese carriers underway,in rough weather. The carrier, Kaga, is closer in, and the Zuikaku trailing. In another change of sequence, A succession of Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero (Zeke) airplanes take off from carrier flight deck. They form up and proceed overhead. A scout observer plane takes off. Scene shows task force of warships moving through heavy seas.
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