Blitzkrieg attack on London by Germany during World War II beginning in September 1940. Scenes of London city. Soldiers help civilians to move to safety underground in air raid shelters. A building is evacuated. A man talks over a telephone reporting incoming German aircraft. Officers watch through binoculars. German planes over the city. British pilots in aircraft defend the city. British people at a station platform. A train arrives. German planes drop bombs. Aerial bombs away views of bombs falling from German bombers, and views of German pilots in cockpit, and from point of view of German pilots. View of damaged buildings in London, rubble, and devastation. Men around the remains of the damaged buildings. Exterior and interior views of damaged and destroyed shops, homes, hospitals, and churches. A view of Big Ben in the distance and rubble from bombing in the foreground. British people climbing on piles of rubble and beginning to clear the damage. A man carrying an unexploded bomb or delayed action bomb on his shoulder to remove it from an area. A man drives a car. British people in a market using ration stamps for food. British people work in a factory continuing the war manufacturing effort. People inside underground rail system at Picadilly Circus station, serving as an air raid shelter. A man plays a harmonica to entertain civilians in the crowded air raid shelter. Doctors operate on a casualty. Soldiers rescue people from ruins of blitz damaged buildings. Fire fighters spray fire hoses on a building. Men take a break from clearing rubble and drink beer from glasses at the base of a ladder. A girl sits outside a damaged house and pets a cat. Civilians gather as King George VI and the Queen of England visit citizens amidst the rubble.
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