A British citizen is seen waving and giving the "V for Victory" sign to trucks passing by carrying British troops during World War 2. View of British fliers assembled on the tarmac in front of a Vickers Wellington twin engine bomber, as a string of trolleys carrying bombs moves along the ground near them. Closeup of the bombs on the trolleys. British RAF officers at telephones discussing a night's planned mission involving 10 aircraft. Glimpse of Vickers Wellington bombers and trolleys of bombs on an airfield. RAF officer and assistants (including 2 women) discussing targeting. Officer mentions photographs of submarine yards and they study them. Scene shifts to the targeting officer briefing air crews about their night's mission, to bomb the German submarine and ship building yards at Bremen. View of photographs. View of aircrew members in briefing room. Views of aircrew boarding their Welllington bomber; engine running; and pilot in cockpit. Other Wellington bombers cranking up. The bombers takeoff at dusk. Pilot in one checking with his rear gunner, and radio operator, while they are in flight. Two bombers silhouetted against sky while in flight. Crew member annotating navigation log. Scene shifts to German pilots on the ground, being scrambled to their Messerschitt Bf 109 aircraft. German searchlights scan the sky and soldiers run to man their 12.8 cm Flak 40 antiaircraft guns. Flashes from these guns are seen in the darkness. Some British Wellington bombers flying through clouds with Flak bursts around them. Pilot in a bomber tells his crew they are entering a glide. View of bomber in sharp decent. Antiaircraft batteries firing rapidly. Bombardier at station in a bomber. View of bomb in bomb bay. Bombardier presses button releasing several bombs. Explosions on the ground. Antiaircraft batteries firing furiously. Pilot in cockpit illuminated by flare of bombs and fires. Camera pans across burning buildings on the ground. Closeup of Adolf Hitler vowing revenge. Slate reads: "November 14th, 1940." Views of German bomber aircraft in night raid over Britain during Battle of Britain. Bombs bursting and antiaircraft fire during blitz. View of Coventry, England, in the dawn after the raids. Destroyed and severely damaged buildings, some still burning. Aerial views of some of the destruction. People walking past rubble. Camera captures image as remains of one building collapse. Skeletons of buildings silhouetted against the foggy sky. Survivors on the streets huddle at a bulletin board to read news posted there. Teams of firefighters and others trying to deal with the destruction and pulling victims from the rubble and carrying them for burial in a common grave. Survivors placing garlands of flowers on the graves.
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