A biographical documentary shows the life of Dwight David Eisenhower who was the President of the United States from 1953 to 1961. Dwight David Eisenhower and officers salute. Others stand near him. Eisenhower with his wife Marie Geneva Doud “Mamie” Eisenhower attend the birth of their granddaughter, Susan Eisenhower. Eisenhower and his wife coos over baby Susan as her mother Barbara holds her. He walks with his wife. Soldiers holding flags salute. Dwight David Eisenhower in a car salutes them. He sits with a woman. In 1948 he is appointed as the President of Columbia University in New York. He walks with other professors. He is being honored and appointed as the president by other personnel. He addresses the students. In Washington: A plane taxis. Dwight David Eisenhower comes out of a car. Cameramen click pictures. Dwight David Eisenhower wearing a hat stands. He enters a building. He opens his coat. He is greeted by U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The United States Capitol building.
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