Opening scene shows U.S. Army Brigadier General Charles H. Bonesteel, Commander of the VI Corps Area, seated in a new jeep with Ford Motor Company President, Edsel Ford, at the wheel in a Ford Motor Company factory in during World War 2. This jeep is the first in an order for 1500 jeeps being delivered by Ford to the U.S. Army. Ford Company executives in business suits, covered by white lab coats are in the background, along with regular factory workers. One executive signals for the jeep to be moved ahead, out of the factory. Next, the film shows jeeps being demonstrated at the Ford Motor testing ground. Army officers and Ford Company executives line a ridge overlooking the test ground as drivers take several jeeps through their paces in demanding circumstances. Scene shifts to Fort Benning, Georgia, where jeeps of the Army's 4th Division are seen driving along a dirt road towing small field artillery pieces. Several are also seen driving (without artillery pieces) through dense woods and other obstacles at the Army base.
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