John Burroughs,Thomas Alva Edison,Harvey Samuel Firestone and Henry Ford on Catskill mountains near Yama farms in New York, United States. John Burroughs an American naturalist,Thomas Alva Edison an American inventor,Henry Ford founder of Ford Motor company and Harvey Samuel Firestone founder of the Firestone Tire and Rubber company stroll on a road. Henry Ford observes the nature while his companions discuss about a tree chopping contest. Thomas Alva Edison acts as timekeeper and Harvey Samuel Firestone as a referee. John Burroughs and Henry Ford chop trees. Henry Ford and John Burroughs in action. Relatives and friends applaud. Thomas Alva Edison and Harvey Samuel Firestone stand and talk. Spectators applaud. John Burroughs's tree falls followed by Henry Ford. Thomas Alva Edison greets John Burroughs and then Henry Ford. The entire group stands and discuss.
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