Formation of German Dornier Do 17 bombers headed for England in World War 2. View of German crew members in cockpit of bomber. Closeup of German Messerschmitt bf 109 fighter aircraft in flight. German fighter shoots down a barrage balloon that bursts into flames and falls from the sky. British gun crews on the coast firing 3.7 inch antiaircraft guns. Flak bursts around a German Heinkel He 111 bomber. Formation of He 111 bombers dropping bombs. German bombardier bending over bomb sight inside a bomber. View of ground below. Bombardier hitting bomb release control. View through forward canopy of bombs falling from the aircraft. German bombs striking and exploding in England. Smoke rising from explosions and fires. German aircrew pleased with results. German Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers peeling and diving with their characteristic whines as they drop bombs on waterfront targets in England. British Royal Air Force Spitfire fighters rising to engage the German aircraft. Britons on ground look up to watch dogfights at high altitude overhead, marked by contrails in the sky. British gun camera footage of German warplanes being shot down. Wreckage of destroyed German warplanes. A flight of three spitfires flying overhead. Firemen directing streams of water on burning buildings in London. British citizens clearing rubble. Local Air Raid wardens Antiaircraft Gun crew on a British ship talk of the German aircraft they've shot down.
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