Film begins showing German General Johannes Blaskowitz strolling along a street in Warsaw, Poland during World War 2, to meet a Polish Officer, authorized to surrender Warsaw to the invading Germans. The exchange regular military salutes. The Polish officer contingent stands in front of a large bus, that they enter along with the German officer contingent. View of the bus parked in a yard, guarded by German soldiers. View through windows of the bus, of negotiators sitting opposite one another inside. They consult a map and make markings on it. At the conclusion of their consultations, the parties leave the bus. View of dense smoke rising in the background. Long distance view of German soldiers (looking like ants) along the banks of the Vistula River. Closer view of German infantry entering Warsaw, past destroyed barricades. Destroyed Polish military equipment piled up at the side of the road. Polish street cars overturned across several streets to hinder German invaders. German troops entering Warsaw with horse-drawn wagons pulling artillery pieces. German soldiers in military vehicles drive past piles of destroyed military hardware.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 1668 MB | $195.00 | $79.00 |
HD Screener (1920x1080, full-res with timecode) | 1668 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |
Proxy (320x240, low-resolution, watermarked) | 27 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |