American President Ronald Reagan is seen in the the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, DC, from where He delivers a New Year's greeting to the people of the Soviet Union. He is seated in front of a fireplace mantle decorated with holly. A large poinsettia plant sits in front of the fireplace. The American flag is displayed to his right. The President describes the ways typical American families celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and the New Year. He mentions the U.S.Presidential election scheduled for next year (1988). Reagan notes that he and General Secretary Gorbachev signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, last month and hope to meet again, in a few months, in Moscow. He alludes to Soviet and American representatives in Geneva discussing a 50 percent reduction in strategic nuclear weapons suggests they may have a treaty ready to sign in Spring. President Reagan notes that America and the Soviet Union have the opportunity to develop a defensive shield against ballistic missiles (also called SDI or Star Wars), and that the U.S. intends to pursue the possibility that technology offers. In other matters, the President speaks of expanding contacts and communications between our two countries. He mentions Human rights and human dignity. He expresses concern about senseless conflicts in a number of regions. He closes by wishing the Soviet people a Happy New Year. (Note: President Reagan's message was recorded on December 23, 1987, in the White House and broadcast on January 1, 1988.)
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