America and Europe during post World War 1 period of 1920s Sketches: American workers in factories. The U.S. President Warren Gamaliel Harding converses with a friend. President with other officials signs a paper. President Harding dies and the Nation mourns. Pallbearers carry coffin of the President. Sketches depict the various scandals under the Harding administration, including the Tea Pot Dome scandal. Vice President John Calvin Coolidge becomes President. Several sketches of the President . Sketches of rich people in America. People in a car. Automobiles driven out of a Ford factory. Sketch of the workers building a road. Various labor saving electrical devices. Sketches depict a housewife relaxing and people becoming better off economically. Ordinary people gamble on the stock market. Various pictures of American farmers suffering, as demand for food falls in the wake of World War 1. Economic and financial crises affect Germany. Hyperinflation and riots occur in Germany. The unrest gives rise to future leaders like Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini, in Italy.
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