Interior of the U.S. National Labor Relation Board office, men in suits seated around a giant conference table, discussing. A United States flag in the corner. Man points out southeastern states in the United States on a map where union branches are needed. A car on road and a road sign for route 411 in Georgia. A union organizer man gets out of the car goes to a house, speaks to a worker, already seated, shows him some paper. Woman washing a young child at the house. A gathering of 12-15 people outside a textile mill, beside a railroad yard, as the new union is taking shape. Train goes by on tracks behind the men. Music "union train a coming" plays in background. Union organizers hand out leaflets at the textile mill gates, informing workers of the union idea. Views of campaigning of election. Banners can be seen saying 'Protect your job'. Voting is done, ballet paper is seen with title "National Labor Relations Board." Close up views of hands of workers putting ballots into voting box. Views of a union meeting of wool workers that are planning to negotiate with labor management on behalf of workers.
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