Animated map shows South Korea, from 38th parallel, South, and highlights Pusan, and the advances being made by UN forces after being reinforced. Next, the UN amphibious landings at Inchon (or Incheon) are shown on the map. Flashes of naval gunfire are seen in the blackness of night. Next, a Landing Craft Tank (Rocket), LCT(R), is seen firing barrages of rockets toward shore, at Inchon. On September 15, 1950, U.S. troops are seen landing at Incheon, from boats of the attack transport ship, USS Noble (APA-218). Return to the animated map shows advance of UN forces from Inchon joining with those advancing from Pusan, until they occupy most of the area south of the 38th parallel. UN infantry are seen engaged in urban combat in the city of Seoul, accompanied by M26 Pershing tanks and M46 Patton tanks. Building burning in the city. UN soldiers firing rifles inside damaged building. American soldiers, under fire, carrying wounded on litter. Medical corpsmen tending to casualties, including wounded Korean civilians. Republic of Korea (ROK) infantry following four of their soldiers carrying their flag, stretched out horizonally, between them. (Narrator states they are carrying it back to the liberated capital of Seoul.) ROK troops escorting large number of prisoners of war, marching with hands on heads. UN forces distributing rice and clothing to the Korean inhabitants of Seoul. Soldiers helping little Korean children don clothing. Bodies of men, women, and children who were slain by retreating enemy troops, are laid out on the ground, attended by Grieving relatives. Large quantities of captured North Korean weapons are piled up, including those made in the Soviet Union.
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