Part of film tracing history of Thanksgiving Day in America. Opening scene shows forests in late summer, and then winds blowing and some leaves beginning to fall. A traditional single family home is seen and a family inside preparing their table for a Thanksgiving dinner. The six members of the family include a Mother, a Father, an older son, a teenage daughter, a young son, and an older woman (Grandmother, or Aunt). View of roasted Thanksgiving Turkey. The father leads the family in saying grace. A painting of the First Thanksgiving (1915), by American artist Jean Louis Gerome Ferris, is shown. Views of fields of corn and grain. Scene shifts to a 17th Century ship carrying the same 6-member family (dressed as Pilgrims) to America from Europe. Members of the family are seen planting seed for crops. The date 1621 appears superimposed upon scenes of crops ready for harvesting. Inside their log home, the father and youngest son engage in extended discussions, after which, the father gives the boy permission to go somewhere. The painting of the First Thanksgiving is shown again. Then the pioneer settlers, both men and women, fell and carry trees to build a church. View of a remarkably well built church and then of the family praying inside along with other pioneer settlers.
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