Brigadier General Billy Mitchell smiling, standing in field, wearing an overcoat. Glimpse of aviator in helmet and goggles, behind him. Members of Congressional Committee and U.S. Army and Navy officers in field to observe tests of antiaircraft fire efficacy. Martin MB2 biwing bomber parked in field behind them. Army officers, stand in front of a biwing bomber, holding ends of "sleeve target" to be used in gunfire test. Airborne scene of sleeve target being towed by airplane. Aerial bomb tests lead by General Mitchell. General with other officials. Army artillery batteries firing at the sleeve target. View of sleeve target. Battery of Army machine gunners firing at sleeve target. General Billy Mitchell with another officer, examining the sleeve target after the test, and smiling because only one bullet penetrated it. General Mitchell and another officer inspecting bombs to be used for demonstration. Dive bombers attack target of battleship outlined on the ground. Bombs bursting on target. Views aboard bombers, showing bombs falling from the aircraft and hitting targets below.
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