Film opens with bongo drummer playing and other Cuban musicians playing instruments while dancers in fetching costumes dance and enjoy themselves. Scene shifts to view from water of Havana skyline and then to automobile traffic on a busy street in a commercial district of the city. A Busy street crowded with pedestrians on sidewalks. Cuban workers leaving an industrial plant at shift end. Smoke pouring from three tall smoke stacks in background. Large machines employed in a factory. A construction worker in the cab of earth moving equipment. A field worker rotating a long wooden boom by hand. Men cutting sugar cane with machetes. A farmer opening gate to allow water into an irrigation network. View of water rushing into the irrigation ditches and entering the area of crops. A farmer using cattle to pull his plow. Cattle entering a stockyard. Shoppers at an open-air market filled with all kinds of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products. Families of poorer people in rural areas outside of Havana. They live in shacks ahd are photographed with their small children. Next, two uniformed members of the Cuban National Police (Policia Nacional de Cuba) are seen. (The narrator mentions that Cuban people lived for 60 years under a succession of corrupt and often dictatorial leaders.) View of men in a line being monitored by a National policeman. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar is seen next to his wife, Marta Fernández Miranda, as they cast ballots in the 1952 Presidential election. Glimpse of several Cuban National Police lined up looking over a wall. Next, members of Fidel Castro's resistance movement are seen silhouetted against the sky, as they walk, carrying arms, in the mountain regions of Cuba. Fidel, himself is silhouetted as his men walk past him. Views of Castro's men moving through the rugged mountain terrain as shots are being fired. The combat becomes more intense. The views are from the Castro forces as they engage in fire fights with Batista forces (unseen). Machine guns are heard, and an explosion occurs. More views of the Castro forces using a machine gun and small arms. Scene shifts to a public square in Havana as it fills with people celebrating the downfall of Batista on 1s of January, 1959. Crowds surround Fidel Castro as he arrives in Havana. The crowds cheer him wildly. as the hero, and liberator of the Cuban people. Castro addresses the crowds from a balcony, promising them elections, land reform,freedom and the rights guaranteed under the Cuban Constitution of 1940. Glimpse of a copy of that document. View of Manuel Urrutia raising his hands to acknowledge the crowd, when he was named President on January 3rd, 1959. Fidel Castro arriving in New York City and greeted as a Cuban Nationalist hero. Castro waving to crowds of admirers. In Washington,DC, he is seen placing a memorial wreath at the Statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln memorial. Castro speaking at a press conference in Washington,DC. Speaking from a podium, in English, he states emphatically that he is not a communist. Castro is seen later, back in Havana at a large political gathering, where he and Che Guevara along with other revolutionaries, engage others in publicly broadcast discussions and debates. A barefoot boy is brought into the center of the proceedings, where he points an accusing finger toward someone (not clear who that person is). View inside a newspaper printing plant, as Narrator states Castro began attacks on the Press resulting in the demise of the Free Press, and its takeover by government run newspaper "HOY." View of Hoy sign in front of a newspaper building. Communist propaganda seen dominating papers and magazines at a news stand. Small bust of Lenin seen for sale.
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