Southbury Training School in Connecticut, opened in 1940 and imparts trade knowledge to mentally disabled persons. Narrator mentions Dr. Grover Powers, pediatrician on the faculty of Yale Medical School and charter member of the Southbury Board of Directors. A person walks in snow covered mountains. A sign reads 'Southbury Training School'. Exterior of the training school. The school aims to keep in mind the potential not the limit of the mentally disabled. Southbury employs a concept of "Cottage parents." Cottage parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson converse with Cottage Life Director, Gary Thorne . People move in groups. Two women look at rows of dresses. A man cuts hair. A person works on a shoe. Close view of an orthopedic shoe and a giant shoe. Several mentally disabled women work on sewing machines. A distinguished gentleman speaks with a paper in his hand. Another man speaks from behind his desk. Front of Southbury Training School with the American Flag near it.
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