Mr William Edler administers a life goal setting questionnaire to students of an elementary school in the U.S. and discusses th...
Mr William Edler in a class in the Wilbur Avenue Elementary school, in the Los Angeles school district, California, United States. He gives questionnaire to a student for distributing in class. Children go through the questionnaire as Mr. Edler describes it, "The Where I Want to be Ladder". Mr Edler stands in front of a group of teachers and educators in a classroom. He shows the same questionnaire to the group and discusses how the goal setting exercise ties in to drub abuse education curriculum. The group members go through papers in their hands. View of the child students in their classroom. A girl thinks and marks a cross in column 8 and a 0 in column 6 of the questionnaire. A child hides his paper with his hand. A girl goes around the class to collect the papers. Some children get up and speak. Mr Edler talks with the group of adults. He points to the questionnaire in his hand and discusses the responses of the children with the group.
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