A U.S. Navy Training in which two sailors demonstrate methods of attack and counterattack in a hand to hand combat. Two sailors demonstrate how to break rear body lock with hip lock. One sailor of the pair attacks the second one from behind and grabs him. The second sailor twists around, brings his left arm beneath the attacker's arms, and uses his right arm to grab the attacker's arm. He bends and hauls the attacker over. This causes both of them to fall with the sailor on the top of the attacker. They demonstrate how to break front strangle with arm wedge. One of the sailors of the pair strangles the second one from front. The second sailor joins the palms of his hands and raises his arms to dislodge the arms of the attacker from around his neck. He then hits the attacker on his face. They demonstrate how to break front body lock with knee lift or foot kick. One of the sailors grabs the second one in the middle from the front. The second sailor puts his hands on the attacker's waist, pushes him back a little and stamps on the foot of the attacker. He hits at the shin of the attacker with his foot and gives a blow to the groin of the attacker with his knee. The attacker falls on the ground. (World War II period).
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