Sailors learn methods of attack and counterattack of hand to hand combat during a training program of the navy in the United States. Two sailors demonstrate defense against knife downward thrust. One of the sailors approaches the other with a knife. The sailor grasps his wrist with one hand, locks the assailant's arm by passing his other arm under and across the assailant's arm, bends his arm and throws him on the ground. The knife falls down. Defense against knife upward thrust. As the assailant approaches the sailor with a knife, he grips the wrist of the assailant with both his hands, forces his hand back, delivers a knee lift in the groin, bends the wrist and causes the knife to fall down. Next they demonstrate defense against side thrust with knife. As the assailant approaches with a knife, the sailor grips his wrist and secures his arm under the shoulder and bends causing the assailant and the knife to drop. He picks it up. Club is used for defense against knife. As the assailant attacks with a knife, the sailor uses a club to break the attack and jabs the assailant in the stomach with the club. (World War II period).
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