Views of The Great Atlantic Hurricane lashing at northeast United States areas (after having already hit the North Carolina Outer Banks), and views of the aftermath and early cleanup following the storm. Regions shown include Atlantic City, Long Island (where it came ashore as a category 3 hurricane on September 15, 1944), New York City suburbs, and parts of New England. High surf flooding boardwalks and coastal cities. Trees bent over and snapped in high winds. People walking with difficulty in the high winds. Streets of towns submerged in water. Coastal docks destroyed and large boats scattered high onto shore areas. Trees, poles, and wires downed over roads and homes. Entire homes moved off of their foundations and placed down the street. The "Great Atlantic Hurricane" was the first example of a named hurricane by the Miami Hurricane Warning Office, which later became the National Hurricane Center. The name was meant to reflect the hurricane's size and intensity.
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