Traces events leading up to and through World War I. Portrait of German emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II. Wilhelm II riding on horseback. He starts the preparations for war. Views of German military officials including Helmuth von Moltke the Younger. Newspaper headlines of assassination of Austrian Archduke. Celebrations on streets of Germany at start of World War I including views of German soldiers and citizens preparing for war. Germany launch war on Serbia, France and England. German infantry and u-boat submarines target enemy positions. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in his office . U.S. declares war on Germany. U.S. forces departing from American cities and arriving in Europe; moving toward battle. Scenes from trench warfare of World War I in France. Soldiers going up "over the top" out of trenches during offensive operations and into "no man's land". Retreat of Germans, views of General von Luddendorff, the German Chief of Staff. Armistice declared after secret message sent to German government by Luddendorff. Cheering people celebrate the end of World War 1 after armistice. Views of United States General Pershing.
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