Group of garment workers pose for photograph on steps of a building in Chicago. Police on horseback approach a group of people on a sidewalk. Horse-drawn wagon parked at curb. Mounted police breaking up a gathering. Two women caught in the commotion. One falls to the ground and is helped up by a uniformed policeman. Four women garment workers pose for a picture. Another view of the group seen earlier on steps of a building. Striking garment workers march and protest in streets of Chicago. Brief montage with scenes of unrest. Garment workers parade with sign lamenting the death of Charles Lazinskas .Formal portrait photograph of Charles Lazinskas, with caption beneath reading:"Was shot December 3, 1910." The Chicago Daily Tribune of January 4, 1910, with headline reading: "Man shot in strike riots, foreman of big clothing factory held." Another newspaper headline reads:"Strikers March With Mute Pleas, Garment Workers Rely on Banners and Placards to Air Grievances." Yet another reads: "Strike Embroils Social Workers, Pastor and U of C Student Interfere for Toilers and Are Arrested, Police Brutality." Picture of social worker, Jane Addams, with another woman. Early and later photographs of Joseph Shaffner, of Hart, Schaffner, & Marx company. Garment worker union leader, Sidney Hillman. Fabric cutters working at the clothing factory.
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