German soldiers goosestep march into Oslo,Norway, in World War 2. Flasback scene of German refugee children being fed by Norwegians circa 1919, after World War 1, during time of shortages and depression Germany. Animated map showing path of German invasion and area between Hamar and Elverum, Norwegian army resists. Norwegian troops firing artillery. Two Norwegian Army soldiers in snow. One aims a Krag-Jørgensen rifle (film is reversed). German bombers overhead. Norwegian troops taking cover. German He-111 bomber dropping bombs. He-111 diving. Norwegian soldiers run for cover. Bombs exploding on the ground. Me-109 fighter plane strafing. Norwegian soldiers fleeing North. Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers in formation. U.S. Army Captain, Robert M. Losey, in uniform.(He was military attache in Norway and killed during a German bombardment.) German troops occupying various parts of Norway. German paratroopers landing on snow in mountains. He-111s dropping bombs. Bombs bursting on ground. Norwegian civilians in city, flee bombings. Me-109 planes in flight. Two Norwegian women look skyward. German Luftwaffe Stuka dive bombers attacking. A woman running past burning wreckage. Bombs falling from He-111 aircraft. Huge bomb explosion. Junkers Ju-52 trimotor aircraft flying low. Women and children run for shelter. Civilians crowd into open truck to escape. Burning buildings. German troops occupying Norwegian forts. Allied troops landing in Norway, under air attack. Animated map shows limits of allied air forces. British troops carrying wounded. Allied bombardment at Narvik. Allied troops occupy the town. Allies defend against German counter-attacks at Narvik. British troops with German prisoners. Stuka dive bombers attack Allied warships that fight back with antiaircraft guns. Picture of Vidkun Quisling. Hitler on cover of Time magazine. Narrator makes comparisons between Hitler and Gangsters of the 1930s. Gangster John Dillinger being arraigned in the United States. Gangsters and mob firing guns and machine guns shooting from moving cars of gangsters in the 1930s. Dead body of John Dillinger laid out on a autopsy or mortuary table in 1934. Map show Nazi plans for total conquest.
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