British Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery are seen looking skyward. They stand on a field in front of a large formation of troops. Scene shifts to a seaport in North Africa, with Allied troop ships preparing to depart. A barrage balloon flies over the port. (Narrator notes that the armada includes ships of Britain, The United States, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, the Indian navies, A warship sits in the water beside a large troop ship. A tugboat tows a large troop transport ship in the harbor. Cargo ships and a three stacker transport ship are seen. Two British battleships. Sailor using signal light to send a message. Two American destroyers in trail formation. U.S. Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt, Commander of the 8th Fleet, presents Lieutenant General George S. Patton, commander of U.S. forces, with a new battle flag. Views of ships in the invasion fleet. Transport ships anchor off the coast as they shuttle troops to the beaches in their landing ships. A landing ship flying the American flag. Naval guns fire barrages at the shore. As landing craft reach the beach, troops wade ashore through the surf. An army truck drives from a landing craft through the surf. Army truck and a jeep drive ashore from a large landing craft. Brief glimpse of Wading tanks leaving a tank carrier and driving ashore through the surf. Troops landing with dry feet from a beached landing craft. View of the city of Gela. Lieutenant George S. Patton climbs over the side of a ship and descends on a rope ladder to enter a Higgins boat that takes him to assume command of the invasion operations. Closeup of Lieutenant General Patton in the boat entering the harbor at Gela. He jumps from the boat as it reaches the beach. Local civilians view activities from the beach. DUKWs (amphibious trucks) drive ashore. Artillery pieces being towed ashore. American infantry entering the town of Gela. Military vehicles enter through rubble strewn streets. An M4 Sherman tank speeds along a road. Remains of an Italian armored train destroyed by Allied gunfire. American soldiers walk through areas destroyed by German bombing. American troops search buildings. Local Italian people mingling with American troops. Surrendered Italian troops march under guard along a street. Allied forces head toward Messina. A tracked gun carrier filled with troops in the back, moves along a street. U.S. infantry marching along a roadside. Army engineers clearing mine fields in advance of troops. Closeup of a buried mine being revealed. Major General Lucian K. Truscott, Jr., Commander of the U.S 3rd Infantry Division, inspects Axis planes and hangars captured by American forces. Many undamaged aircraft are seen in revetments and simply parked on the airfield. Fuel arrives for Allied aircraft. British Fairey Firefly aircraft taking off. Dead Axis soldiers lying on the ground. Destroyed Axis military vehicles. A knocked out German Tiger tank. A DUKW drives past a damaged Axis armored vehicle. UN forces firing mortars from a field. A knocked out Axis armored vehicle. UN motorized gun carrier fires its gun. Allied infantry advancing.
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