Start of film shows several U.S. Navy PT (Patrol Torpedo) boats clustered around a larger ship close to Green Atoll in the South Pacific, during World War 2. Views from a boat moving past the large camouflaged boat. The camera boat continues moving along the shore, where small tents are pitched. dense jungle covers the atoll. A landing craft (Higgins Boat) moves across the path of the camera boat. Other boats of various sizes are seen, including one with a torpedo on deck and one anchored that has a large tarpaulin tent across it, and clothes drying on a line. A PT boat passes, with crew on deck and some clothes drying on an improvised line. Distant views of several PT boats along the coast. A camouflaged PT boat passes close to the shore.
Crew members from PT boat 237 are seen descending a landing net to recover the body of a PT boat captain killed in action with the Japanese. (Reportedly, a motor mechanic, who later joined the crew of Pt 237, identified some of those seen as: blond man kneeling and holding cargo net Is Olson. Slender shirtless man at far right is Bobby Leonard. Man hanging on cargo net is the skipper of 237, Lieutenant Airigo. Man at bottom right of cargo net is Al Navarre.) Camera boat moves toward the shore where a large group of sailors are waiting. Next, sailors are seen loading heavy boxes from a truck, and placing them aboard a boat backed up to the shore. They also unload something from the boat and place it in the truck. Trucks on the sandy shore are servicing PT boat 160, which has a tarp canopy overhead to protect from the sun. Change of view shows jeeps moving near a camp on shore displaying a sign reading: "Camp Tenron." Nearby some sailors stand on a raised wooden structure displaying a large painted sign showing a PT boat racing through the water and reading: "Motor Torpedo Squadrons, Green Islands." One sailor sends a signal by means of a shuttered signal lamp. Sailor ride on a truck carrying 55 gallon drums, as it enters Camp Tenron. A sailor on the raised structure looks through a telescope. Sailors on a PT boat using a line to recover something from the water beside their boat. The boat contains tarps and clothes drying on lines.
A PT boat heading out on patrol. Sailor on the wooden platform uses semaphore flags to signal. On shore sailors haul boxes from a pile. Sailors seen on a chow line shaded by trees and a tent. Next, they are seen seated at tables set up under a large dining tent. Closeup of a few eating at a table.
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