A film titled 'The Warning' from World War II. Narration in Japanese. Street scenes in London. Factory whistle blows announcing end of work day. People walking on the streets. Houses and city streets in view. Double decker buses and cars seen. Children playing beside a river (presumably the Thames). Boats and swan seen in the river. Newspaper headlines seen, including "War chiefs discuss mobilisation"; "Stocks Slump"; "All Navy Reserve Called Up" and "The Crisis: Latest" seen on The Evening Standard. People playing tennis, cricket and golf. Buildings seen. People sitting in a pub (bar). Antenna of transmitter on radio station. An air raid information message being transmitted from the British government on radio stations during the time of the German Blitz. British people at home and work seated and listening to their radios as the broadcast message is read. British military forces on shore of the English Channel readying anti-aircraft batteries. Japanese narration overlays clip.
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