A 1940 movie entitled "Weltraum Schiff I Startet Eine Technische Fantasie" (Space Ship I launches a technical fantasy). Imaginary view of moon shining over Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen in the future. Views of a huge hangar and industrial complex with a rocket on a launch pad. A large crowd is gathered and listens to a technician speak about a moon rocket.project. Supposedly, the director of the Friedrichshafen airship shipyard speaks to some reporters about aircraft, flying, rocketry, and space travel, while speaking about manned rocket flight to the moon. He answers questions from members of the press corps. Animated pictures show critical distance for escaping earth's gravity and other aspects of a moon flight. Posters of various German Dornier airplanes line the briefing room, including: a circa 1937 Dornier Do 17; Dornier Do 24 3-engined flying boat; Do-X 6-engined flying boat; Dornier Do J II Wal; Dornier Do-19 aircraft; Dornier Do-18 push-pull twin engine flying boat, and the mammoth Do-X twelve-engine flying boat with its date, 1929, stenciled on the bottom of its left wing. From this point on, the narrator continues speaking but the images are of actual applications of rocketry to land vehicles and aircraft. View of a small rocket fired from a tilted trough type launcher. A sign warns about fire explosives ("Vorsicht Mit Feuer SprengstoffI"). Igniter being wired to rockets on the Opel RAK-2 rocket propelled car. Max Valier sitting in his rocket propelled car Valier RAK-6. Fritz Von Opel sitting in his rocket propelled car, Opel RAK-2. Fritz Von Opel driving his rocket propelled car, Opel RAK-2 at Avus track in Berlin on May 23, 1928. A sign above the seating area reads: "Zeitnahme" (Timekeeping). Driven by 24 solid-fuel rockets, the car raises smoke and dust in its wake as it reaches a speed of 230 km/h (143 mph). Brief view of the Opel-Sander Opel RAK-.3 Zopeltra rocket rail rider racing along a track in 1928. The Opel-Sander RAK-1 rocket propelled airplane on a launching rail. With Opel at the controls, It fires up and takes off in a cloud of smoke, at Frankfurt-am-Main airport, on 30 September 1929. A rocket test resulting in failure, as the rocket tumbles to the ground after rising only a short distance after launch. Men gather around a liquid oxygen tank as it fuels a rocket car driven by Max Valier. His white car is seen speeding along the ramp of an airport, past a twin engine high-wing monoplane. Next, Valier is seen in April 1930, smiling as he sits in his liquid rocket propelled car, surrounded by spectators. Glimpse of a rocket vehicle on a railway, as it fires up sending a cloud of smoke that obscures the scene completely. A poster showing starry sky and reading:"Die Erreichbarkeit Der Himmelskorper" (The accessibility of the celestial body). Fingers working rapidly on an arithmetic calculator. Fumes rising from a beaker of liquid oxygen. A technician (hands only, seen) pours liquid into one of a number of beakers in a laboratory. It produces a chemical reaction causing dark smoke to rise from the beaker. (World War II period).
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