German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, enters a wooden building near Stalingrad where he surrenders the German 6th Army. He, and Arthur Schmidt, General-lieutenant, Chief of the 6th Army Staff; take seats,surrounded by Soviet Army officers. Scene shifts to the twenty two Divisions (300 thousand men) of the 6th Army trudging through the snow as they surrender. Most of them are seen in open fields near Stalingrad, Russia. Closeups of some make their way along a street in the city. Many wear makeshift shoes and other contrived clothing. They are clearly suffering from their lack of any cold weather equipment. Aerial view of a long line of surrendering German soldiers making their way on snow-covered street in Leningrad. Closeups of some of the German soldiers. One soldier walking slowly, alone, across a stretch of snow. He wears woven homemade coverings over his feet.He heads, alone, toward an open stretch of barren snowy land. Camera focuses on ice strewn Volga River. A dead German soldier lies on its bank. View of Russian countryside, the following Spring. An animated map depicts the extent of the Soviet advance in the previous winter with the occupation of 185 thousand square miles of territory (more than previously occupied by the German forces). Film shows weapons captured during the 6th Army surrender, including German aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery guns, light machine guns, rifles, artillery shells and small arms ammunition. Glimpse of dead German soldiers in the snow. Aerial view of rail cars containing captured German military supplies. Lines of surrendering German soldiers making their way in the snow. Numerous dead German soldiers in body bags, in the snow. Animated film reviews the German operation Barbarossa and subsequent events in the German invasion of Soviet Russian in 1941, 1942, and 1943. Glimpses of Russian troops dressed in white and British troops advancing. Film concludes with artistic representation of United Nations flags and troops marching to victory.
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