Mixture of scenes recorded during visit of Israel's President Chaim Weizmann to the White House in 1848. A 1946 Buick Special 4 door sedan Model 41 car pulls up to back of the White House and parks A Cadillac Series 75 limousine follows, carrying Israel's first President, Chaim Weizmann, who is assisted as he steps out. Scene shifts to portico of the White House, where President Weizmann presents a torah to President Truman, who holds it up and makes some remarks. Closeup of the two Presidents. View from behind the two Presidents as they pose for photographers. Main part of White House in the background. Scene shifts to back of White House as President Weizmann's car pulls up to the door, this time with a Secret Service agent riding on the running board. (He steps down as car stops.) Next, a battery of photographers is seen taking pictures. Scene shifts again, to President Weizmann walking slowly from his car, with assistance. Another shot of photographers taking pictures. Next, Weizmann is seen on the White House Portico with President Harry Truman who escorts him into the White House, followed by various staff members. President Truman and President Weizmann standing on Portico of White House. A group of staff stand nearby as President Weizmann's car is driven from the White House parking lot, past a U.S.Presidential 1947 Cadillac limousine. Some repeated views: of Presidents Truman and Weizmann, as they face reporters; and of Truman, Weizmann, and the gift torah.
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