French Admiral (Platon?) is interviewed by journalist, with microphone. The Admiral is in the company of high ranking German and French officers associated with the LVF (Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism) French and German military officers stand, in ceremony honoring LVF fallen, at the eternal flame by the Arc de Triomphe. Troops, of French Legion Tricolore, form honor guard at tomb of unknown soldier, adorned with wreaths. Crowds on Champs Elysees. German and French officers and officials leaving Cathedral of Notre Dame, following religious ceremony in honor of the LVF (newly renamed the Legion Tricolore). French Republican Honor Guard, seen in shiny helmets, carrying swords. High ranking military and officials getting into their chauffered automobiles, in midst of crowds. Two soldiers of the La Legion Tricolore, in plaza, surrounded by onlookers. (World War II period).
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