The USS Forrestal is seen tied up at a pier in her homeport of Norfolk, Virginia. View of a metal plaque reading: U.S.S. Forrestal CVA-59. Rear Admiral, Charles D. Griffin, Commander of Carrier Division 4, welcomes the visitors aboard the Forrestal (his flagship). Scene shifts to the aircraft carrier deck, where numerous McDonnell F3H-2 Demon aircraft are parked. View of visitors on the flight deck near the Island with many aircraft parked with wings folded in background. The narrator visitor seen with his guide, Lieutenant Kirk Carter. Nose view of an A4D-2 aircraft of VA-72 (Hawks), being worked on by plane captain. Hawks painted on the nose. Red shirt armorers loading ammunition. The civilian guests conversing with ship's personnel. Ship's captain, Richard E. Kibbe, talking with a visitor. The order to cast off being sent from the bridge. Ship's company lined up in formation in dress whites. A group of Blue shirt flight deck crewmen conversing. View of a landing mirror landing aid. View from the air, of the Forrestal underway. Some AD-6 Skyraider aircraft start engines, with wings folded. A Piasecki HUP-2 helicopter preparing for takeoff. Several Douglas A-3 Skywarrior aircraft are catapulted from the Forrestal.
The Guided Missile Cruiser, USS Boston (CAG-1) passing the Forrestal.
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