After World War 1, in accordance with Article 88 of the Treaty of Versailles, residents of Upper Silesia are deciding by ballot, whether to be attached to Germany or Poland. Citizens in Kattowitz (Katowice) milling about in front of a building with a sign that reads ' Deutsche Sammelstelle. ' A horse and wagon passes them. Armed French occupation troops climb aboard an open truck. A small boy watching is chased away by a soldier.The truck drives away, past crowds of people on sidewalks. Three uniformed French soldiers pose in front of crowd of spectators. Three uniformed men with Red Cross arm bands stand under red cross flag flying from building. People massed at entrance to a building move into it under sign reading "eingang." A French officer (General Henri Le Rond) standing with a British officer (Colonel Henry Percival) and an Italian officer (General Antonio de Marinis), reads a newspaper and converses with the others in garden at Oppeln (Opole). Views from moving train of industrial complexes with numerous smoke stacks and factories, in the Oppeln region of Upper Silesia. A map showing area of plebiscite, and the coal reserves and coal mines of the region.
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