Allied military and some civilians gather for a ceremony at the ruins of Saint Martin's Cathedral, in Ypres Belgium, destroyed by Germany in World War 1. Scots Guards in kilts are seen among the assembled military. A ladder is seen and something is being raised by a hoist in the background,as preliminary cleanup is being undertaken. Scene shifts to point of view footage from a moving rail car on the Suspension Railway (Schwebebahn) in Barmen-Elberfeld Germany. At first it travels above a street in the city. Then it is seen moving over the Wupper River, in the Elberfeld region, as another suspension rail train approaches from the opposite direction. It continues traveling along (above) the waterway. (Note: Barmen-Elberfeld was re-named Wuppertal in 1930. The Schwebebahn is still in operation today, and is the oldest operating transportation monorail in the world. It is now called the Wuppertal Suspension Railway. Its original full name is: "Electric Elevated Railway (Suspension Railway) Installation, Eugen Langen System" (Anlage einer elektrischen Hochbahn (Schwebebahn), System Eugen Langen)).
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