Scenes from two World War I Liberty Bond drives. First scenes are in Washington D.C.during World War I. United States Navy sailors march down the Pennsylvania Avenue. A naval band plays and men carrying American flags march down the Avenue. The United States Capitol in the background. Landmarks seen include: Post Office Building and Willard Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. A street car is seen and a sign advertising Kelly Springfield Tires is clearly seen from Pennsylvania Avenue. A newsboy carrying papers (newspaper boy, newsie). A truck with a banner on it to promote the sale of Fourth Liberty Loan. Sailors march and the naval band plays as they move past the Old Executive Office Building. John Phillip Sousa conducts a massive Navy brass band from the steps of the Capitol. Around 1:07 scene change to a Liberty Loan parade on 5th Avenue in New York City. A sign reads "Over the Top. The Fourth Liberty Loan Must be Made a Glorious Success. United Waist League of America." Sign on side of building for C.G. Gunther's Sons Fur Company (391 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan). U.S. Navy sailors among military groups parading on Fifth Avenue. A group of officials including United States Vice President Thomas Marshall and New York Governor Charles Whitman in coats and top hats are seen near the Altar of Liberty during the parade. With them is a U.S. Army chaplain in military uniform with a sign on him that reads "Lend !"
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