The Kapp Putsch in Berlin during the Weimar Republic period. In opening scene about 20 Freikorps soldiers in uniform, are seen gathered around a motor vehicle on which an anti aircraft gun is mounted. One wears a fez. One soldier cranks a handle to raise the elevation of the gun to a high angle. Civilian spectators watch the demonstration. A warship can be seen in water behind the soldiers. Masts of docked sailing vessels are seen close behind them. Freikorps soldiers walk about. A military band plays as some of the soldiers stop and listen to them and pedestrians and motorists pass by. Flag of Prussia flies over top of a building. Helmeted German soldiers with rifles, stand about, casually, at the gates of a building. Soldiers, loaded onto a Benz truck, pass out newspaper flyers to passersby. People milling about in the street. Freikorps soldiers lined up as an officer inspects their rifles. Their insignia is visible on their left coat sleeves. Crowd of spectators stand behind barbed wire barrier surrounding a cleared square in the city secured by Army soldiers in steel helmets. One of them has Freikorps insignia on his left sleeve. Weimar Republic officials, including Philipp Scheidemann stroll across the square and proceed through the crowd outside the barbed wire barrier. Soldiers examine papers of civilian officials trying to enter the restricted area. One of them is allowed access. Army troops and Freikorps soldiers mingle together as civilians pass by them.
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