U.S. Project Combat Trap/Commando Vault using outsized bombs to create helicopter landing zones in the jungle, during the war in Vietnam. (At first, the project used 10,000 pound World War II M121 bombs. In 1970, it switched to the 15,000 pound BLU-82/B bomb, also called a "Daisy Cutter".) View from another aircraft, of a C-130 aircraft in flight overhead. View inside the cargo compartment of the C-130 flying , with its rear cargo door open, above a layer of clouds. A parachute trails behind the aircraft, attached to a large pallet on which a BLU-82/B (Bomb Live Unit-82) is fastened. The load is released and the parachute pulls the pallet and bomb out of the plane. Scene reverts to the view of the C-130 from another aircraft. The parachute and bomb are seen falling from the C-130. Camera follows them as they fall through the cloud layer. Next, a huge ball of fire is seen in the jungle below. Dense gray smoke billows upward. Scene shifts to view from a helicopter flying closer to the ground, which is obscured by dense tree canopy below. View of the explosion site shows depression in the jungle canopy, but the helicopter doesn't get close enough to reveal more.
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