A news conference in Washington D.C., United States about the American soldiers held as prisoners of war in North Vietnam. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Richard G. Capen addresses the press at a conference as he stands behind a podium with the Department of Defense insignia on it. A board in the background reads ' United States POWs and missing in action personnel '. A board placed next to Capen with pictures on it. A sign on the board reads ' U.S. POWs released by NVN ' . Pictures of soldiers released by the North Vietnamese. A chart on the board reads ' status '. A picture of a United States Air Force Major General. Another picture of an injured soldier on the board. A title on the board reads ' parading U.S. prisoners '. An officer removes the chart and another one is being displayed before the press at the conference. A chart titled ' Isolation' shows American soldiers behind bars in captivity. Another chart depicts the medical treatment being given to American soldiers captured by North Vietnamese. The Deputy Secretary of Defense Capen speaks from a podium. A picture on the board indicates the diet being given to American soldiers captured by North Vietnamese. A series of pictures on the board titled ' weight loss' shows pictures of emaciated American soldiers. Capen speaks about the condition of American prisoners of war in Vietnam. Officials seated at a desk. Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Havens speaks to the press. Capen speaks to the press. Special Assistant to Under Secretary of State Frank Sieverts at a desk as he answers the press. (Vietnam War period).
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