Camera pans from mast downward on a British Tiger-class battle cruiser, attending the surrender of the German Fleet at end of World War 1. Her crew lines the outer edge of her foredeck and wave their hats as the German warships pass. Other Allied warships are seen dimly in the background, including other battle cruisers and battleships. A biplane aircraft flies overhead. Closeup of the crew standing on the gun casemates of the Tiger-class battle cruiser. Angular rotation marks, in degrees, are inscribed on the casemates. British sailors fill a warship and cheer as the German ships pass. A succession of German U-boats and destroyers complete the parade of surrendering warships. Another view of ship's company filling the foredeck of a British battleship to hear remarks by a British political leader. He salutes and so do they all. View of the British White Naval ensign waving in the breeze. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)
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