A line of B-25 Mitchell bombers on an airfield in Britain. They display the British roundel on their fuselages. A line of British de havilland Mosquito bombers on a British airfield. One has its engines running and ground crew are removing ground power unit. A line of Martin B-26 Marauder bombers taxiing on an airfield. Several persons on the ground wave as a pair of B-26s take off in formation. The B-26s display French roundels on their fuselages. View of a B-26 heading toward the camera on takeoff. British Avro Lancaster bombers taxiing out for takeoff. Closeup of one pilot in cockpit of a Lancaster with engines running. The bomber displays numerous mission symbols below the cockpit as well as some nose art. A Lancaster taking off. An animated map showing England, France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Enemy gun and rocket sites are depicted as important targets. A formation of B-26 bombers in flight. Closeup of one from above. Formation of Mosquito bombers in flight at low altitude over water.Two British B-25 bombers in close formation above clouds. Next, the animated map shows lines of communication that are important targets. .B-25s seen dropping bombs. Views from aircraft of bombs exploding on the ground. A B-26 bomber surrounded by black Flak clouds. More bombs exploding. More B-25s dropping bombs. Animated map highlights transportation centers such as railroad lines and junctions as the next targets. B-26 bombers dropping bombs in flak clouds and views of exploding bombs below. Finally, the animated map shows enemy war factories throughout Europe that are to be targeted. Huge fires and explosions at night from bombed war factories.
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