Opening scene shows German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel gesturing as he hosts members of a Japanese military mission and a Turkish military delegation (headed by Colonel General Cemil Cahit Toydemir). At Adolf Hitler's invitation, they are on a tour of the Eastern front and English channel coasts between June 25th and July 7th, 1943, during World War 2. Here, they are seen inspecting German positions and witnessing firepower demonstration on the Russian Front near Kharkov (also Kharkiv) just south of Kursk. They observe a German artillery gun crew as they demonstrate rapid firing of their field piece. Shells explode raising black smoke. Closeup of a senior Japanese military official. Turkish and Japanese visiters board two small open train cars driven by German soldiers on motorcycles adapted for the purpose. Following a pause, the scene shifts to the visiting officers inspecting German armor, including a small armored personnel carrier; a Tiger Tank of Pz.Abt.503; and other armored vehicles. They watch a Tiger tank moving along a muddy berm rotating its turret and 88mm gun as it moves. Another tank races past the camera at high speed, raising clouds of dust. A German gun crew, in a trench, fires an MG 42 heavy machine gun. They look up and camera focuses on formations of German JU 87 Stuka dive bombers flying overhead. Visiting officer peers through a periscopic viewing device, as Large explosion occurs in the field. German, Japanese, and Turkish officers converse as a huge plume of smoke rises in the background, capturing their attention.
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