Descriptions of Axis forces and intentions in an American produced propaganda film. Animated map shows Japan. Emperor Hirohito inspects Japanese Troops. Troops bow down in front of the emperor. Group of Japanese women also bow down to the emperor. Masses of German citizens at packed rallies in Germany, crowded with people cheering Nazi leadership. Military demonstrations in Axis countries with military forces in their respective uniforms in each country and masses of decorated flags carried high. Picture of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito. Adolf Hitler addressing Reichstag in an animated speech with much gesticulating calling on Germans to follow him and he'll 'make them masters of the world.' Mussolini speaking to a gathered crowd and rallying support for the fascist cause. Hirohito speaking and Japanese forces answering with "bonzai" shouts. Italian soldiers massed in front of Colosseum in Rome. Italian officers in blackshirt uniforms. Brownshirt uniforms of Germans. Views of Japanese officers in uniform. Scenes of Axis government buildings in various cities: The Reichstag in Berlin, the House of Deputies in Rome, and the Diet in Tokyo. Legislatures in each country cheering their leaders as they speak. German ditch digging crew listens to military foreman and shouts heil Hitler. German brown shirts approach a residence and use butt of gun to force entry. Italian Soldiers raising daggers or bayonets up high and also placing their helmets atop bayonets on rifles. Newspaper headline reads 'Hitler executes more Anti-Nazi Leaders'. Dramatized depiction of slaying of socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Italy in 1924 by fascists, and Viscount Saito in Tokyo in February 1936. More headlines of other anti-Axis leaders. Views of large cathedrals from street level. People praying in church - a woman praying the rosary and an elderly man praying. German Doctor Alfred Rosenberg speaking in 1938 and decrying organized religion. Newspaper headlines recount mistreatment, imprisonment, and slaying of religious leaders. German Doctor Goebbels speaks over a microphone. German leader Julius Streicher speaking in 1935.
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