Chronicles recovery in America after the Great Depression in the United States, from roughly 1933-1967, but with emphasis on the earlier years of that period. Pre-war work programs such as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) help with employment. Farmers work in their fields with tractors. Officials in an office discuss and prepare graphs. Workers drill and work at a construction site. The 1933 Homeowners Loan Corporation sparks new home building. View of new homes being built and new suburban neighborhoods. Brief scene of bombing at Pearl Harbor. American warships launching from shipyards during World War II. Women war production workers work in factories in the United States. Post-war Marshall Plan aid being sent to European countries. Crates of supplies marked for European countries. Industrial output booming again, and scenes of industrial factories and plants with smoke pouring from chimneys and pollution from stacks. Large pool typists room filled with female typists and clerical workers busy at work in government agency. Close up views of hands of women operating typewriters. Reforms for housing projects, African American Civil Rights and measures taken to stabilize unemployment, with scenes of successive Presidents signing reform bills, including Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy. A ship departs from a harbor with goods. A convoy of vehicles on a road. Various Federal buildings in Washington DC. The White House building. An aerial view of an American town and of a factory with pollution smoke emitting from stacks. Letters being delivered to elderly women. People enter a medical clinic and wait in the clinic waiting room. Racially integrated classroom of older high school students or university students, with white and African American students, and both young men and women. A young white woman worker and a young African American working in a machine shop or possibly an academic shop class. A white and a African American man share a sandwich and views of white and black people together in integrated classrooms and factories as segregation begins to wane. Elementary school children in a classroom drawing pictures.
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