Following bold attacks by German forces against English Channel ports in France, French General Ferdinand Foch orders a counter attack by all Allied armies. The film then depicts a montage of war scenes, growing shorter and in quicker succession as the film proceeds. Allied soldiers advancing across open fields on a broad front during counter offensive following German attacks against English Channel ports in France, during World War 1. Allied gunners firing French 75 field artillery pieces. A shell explosion close to the camera. Dead horses next to a destroyed wagon. German shells bursting in the field among advancing Allied troops running across wide open fields. A French machine gun firing. German soldiers moving along a road in woods, while under shell fire. German troops running across a field towards the camera, with one struck by gunfire and falling. A German soldier falling right in front of the camera. Other fallen German and Allied soldiers. American troops charging up a hill, and some falling to German machine gun fire. View of German machine gun nest firing. Frantic succession of battle scenes and carnage on both sides. Soldiers carrying wounded on litters. Dead lying in trenches. Smoke, fire, explosions. French troops marching through a town where lingering gas affects their eyes. Artillery being fired by both sides, including heavy siege mortars. More views of dead and wounded soldiers. Railroad guns firing. Artillery troops racing on horseback with teams of horses pulling artillery and caissons. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)
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