Celebration of the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Army Air Forces, dating back to establishment of the Aeronautical Section of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, in 1907. Airmen of the Army Air Forces march in formation on the flight line at Wright Field in Dayton,Ohio. Aviation pioneer, Orville Wright, is seen in the reviewing stand. A color guard marches past the the reviewing stand. A 4-engine German Junkers JU-290 transport aircraft is seen parked on the field. (It arrived on July 31, 1945, after being flown to Wright Field from Europe, by U.S. Air Forces Colonel Harold E. Watson and co-pilot Captain Fred McIntosh,who were delivering it to Air Technical Intelligence Headquarters.) The crew of the JU-290 (named "Alles Kaputt") pose in front of it. Colonel Watson, is seen holding a Dachshund dog. The JU-290 takes off on a demonstration flight. A new U.S. P-80 "Shooting Star" jet airplane (serial number 44-84995) is rolled out for all to see. It takes off in a demonstration flight. (Late in World War 2.)
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